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Landfill / Convenience Centers
Indian River County has five Customer Convenience Centers located in Fellsmere, Roseland, Winter Beach, Gifford and South of Vero Beach where residents can drop off garbage, recyclables, ''Sharps'', scrap metal, tires, household hazardous waste, and yard waste at no charge. Construction and Demolition Debris is chargeable and must be brought directly to the Sanitary Landfill. Also, Land Clearing Debris and yard waste such as branches over 3'' in diameter and stumps are chargeable and must be brought directly to the Sanitary Landfill. The centers are for residential use only. Businesses are not to use the convenience centers. The Convenience Centers and the Landfill are closed New Year's Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Adoption of Ordinance 87-67 established the Solid Waste Disposal District (a.k.a. SWDD), providing a mechanism for measuring the waste disposal volume at the County's landfill and establishing an assessment program.
Clarification of Tipping Fees at the Indian River County Landfill - Since 1995, the Indian River County (IRC) Solid Waste Disposal District (SWDD) has established by resolution certain fees for the disposal of materials at the Indian River County Landfill. These rates remained the same for 27 years; however, based on the 2023 rate study and based on approval by the SWDD Board through a public hearing process, new landfill rates will be effective October 1, 2023 as applicable in the attached SWDD Rates and Fees. These rates will increase 3% annually, thereafter.