Date and Time
Friday Nov 15, 2024
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM EST
Sebastian River Area Chamber of Commerce
700 Main Street
Sebastian, FL
Individual Workshops: $170 per person (Chamber Members / $190 per person (Non-Chamber Members)
Register for All Three Workshops: Save $75, $435 (Chamber Members) / $495 (Non-Chamber Members)

"Success is a Mindset: Triple Crown Training" is a partnership with Vault Mindset, LLC led by Mindset Performance Coach and International Speaker Francis Papineau
Workshop: Are you your Best Friend or Worst Enemy?
Impact of Thoughts: Discover how your thoughts influence your strength, energy, and performance.
Self- Communication: Understand why the way you talk to yourself is crucial for success.
In the Zone vs. Choking: Learn to identify and shift from choking under pressure to being in the zone.